ETRSS-1 (Ethiopian Remote Sensing Satellite)

Ethiopia’s first satellite. Launched on December 20, 2019, it serves as an Earth Observation Satellite operated by the Space Science and Geospatial Institute (SSGI). Here are some key details about ETRSS-1:

  • Application: Earth Observation
  • Spatial resolution: Approximately 13.7 meters
  • Number of bands: 4
  • Revisit time: Approximately 4 days
  • Orbit type: Low Earth orbit at a height of 700 kilometers
  • Weight/mass: 64 kg
  • Power source: Solar arrays and batteries

ETRSS-1 provides valuable data on changes in climate, weather-related phenomena, and other environmental factors. It contributes to Ethiopia’s efforts in agriculture, forestry, and natural resources protection initiatives.

ET Smart RSS2

Ethiopia’s second satellite was launched in December 2020. This nanosatellite, weighing 8.9 kilograms, serves a similar purpose to its predecessor, ETRSS-1. Equipped with advanced sensors and imaging technology, it captures high-quality pictures relevant to Ethiopia. These images are invaluable for studying and supporting various sectors within the nation.

The satellite’s primary applications include:

  1. Mineral Exploration: ET Smart RSS2 aids in identifying valuable mineral resources.
  2. Agriculture: It provides data for agricultural planning and management.
  3. Natural Resources Conservation: The satellite contributes to the conservation of Ethiopia’s natural resources.
  4. Disaster Predictions: By monitoring the Earth’s surface, it helps predict and mitigate natural disasters.
  5. Land Governance: ET Smart RSS2 assists in rural and urban land management.
  6. Water Resources Management: It supports sustainable water resource utilization.

Ethiopia’s commitment to space technology underscores its efforts to make informed decisions across various sectors using high-quality satellite imagery.



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